Release of EcoLogits Calculator 🧮

Release of EcoLogits Calculator 🧮

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We’re excited to announce the release of the EcoLogits Calculator 🧮 , a user-friendly tool that estimates the environmental impact of AI models. With the EcoLogits Calculator, you can easily calculate the energy consumption and environmental impacts of different GenAI models, including their carbon footprint and resource usage. Simply choose the provider, model, and example prompt, and the calculator will do the rest.

Our goal is to make it easy for anyone to understand the environmental impact of AI, without needing to be a coding expert. The EcoLogits Calculator is designed to be accessible to all, with a simple and intuitive interface. We’re committed to transparency and open-source development, and we welcome contributions from the community. Try the EcoLogits Calculator today and join us in our mission to reduce the environmental impact of AI!

Try the tool here: EcoLogits Calculator 🧮

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